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Mosquitoes thrive in warm, humid conditions. As soon as temperatures are consistently above 50°, mosquitoes start to come out. Metro Atlanta has the ideal conditions for a long mosquito season. It usually starts in March and continues until October. Just because Atlanta has the ideal climate for mosquitoes doesn’t mean your yard has to be a perfect mosquito habitat.
The MissQuito story began in 2020 with the vision of making an empowering, impactful change in the mosquito control industry. As a fully women-led and operated company, we’re dedicated to making homes more comfortable places, offering sustainable, effective, and reliable mosquito control services, and empowering women to grow and be entrepreneurs in mosquito control too.
Our team is dedicated to bringing our top-of-the-line mosquito control treatments to you in the Atlanta, Georgia area — working hard on pests and creating more ease for your home life.
Contact us today for your mosquito control needs or to receive more information about our treatments. We look forward to serving you!
contact usMosquitoes thrive in warm, humid conditions. Mosquitoes come out in Atlanta, GA as soon as temperatures are consistently above 50°, which is usually in March. Atlanta has the ideal conditions for a long mosquito season. It usually begins in March and continues until October. Just because Atlanta has the ideal climate for mosquitoes doesn’t mean your yard has to be a perfect mosquito habitat.
When Do I Need Mosquito Treatment in Atlanta?
Ideally, we would start mosquito treatment before you notice a problem. If we can start mosquito treatment before female mosquitoes have the chance to lay their eggs, you’ll hardly notice them. To effectively prevent mosquito infestations, we suggest starting mosquito treatment in March.
What Time of Day Does MissQuito Spray for Mosquitoes?
We can apply treatments whenever they best fit your schedule. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk so spraying in the morning and late afternoon usually is more effective.