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The rivers and lakes in Northeast Cleveland provide ideal habitats for mosquitoes. Whether you live in Painesville, Willoughby, or Cleveland Heights, mosquitoes will ruin your time outside. Not only are mosquitoes annoying, but they are also some of the most dangerous animals in the world.
A mosquito control program is the most effective way to protect your family. Our natural, eco-friendly options use naturally derived active ingredients to repel mosquitoes. MissQuito’s mosquito control program targets both adult mosquitoes and mosquito larvae. Led by Katy Mullins, our team is dedicated to bringing our effective mosquito and tick control treatments that work fast. Working hard to keep the pests away and creating more ease for your home life.
Contact us today for your mosquito and tick control needs or to receive more information about our treatments. We look forward to serving you!
contact usMosquitoes thrive in urban settings. Mosquitoes are active in the warmest months, usually May through October. Mosquito activity will die down after the first frost in the fall. The proximity to water in Cleveland means there are plenty of breeding grounds for mosquitoes. So when mosquito season starts, the population explodes.
When Do I Need Mosquito Treatment in Northeast Ohio?
Ideally, we would start mosquito treatment before you notice a problem. When we start mosquito treatments early, we interrupt their breeding cycle and prevent mosquito infestations. When we start mosquito treatment before female mosquitoes have the chance to lay their eggs, you’ll hardly notice them. To effectively prevent mosquito infestations, we suggest starting mosquito treatment at least by March.
What Time of Day Does MissQuito Spray for Mosquitoes?
We can apply treatments whenever they best fit your schedule. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk so spraying in the morning and late afternoon usually is more effective.