There are 80 different species of mosquitoes in Florida.
The ideal conditions for mosquitoes are warm and humid. Florida is well known for its heat and humidity. Some parts of South Florida, mosquitoes can be active year round.
Mosquitoes are dormant if the temperature drops below 50° Fahrenheit.
North Florida might get a reprieve from mosquitoes during winter time. Mosquito season usually begins in March since temperatures are a bit cooler in the fall and winter months.
In Central Florida, it gets cold enough to kill off the mosquitoes, but it warms up earlier in the year compared to North Florida. It can feel mosquitoes never really go away.
If mosquito season ever stops in South Florida, it starts again as early as February.
Peak mosquito season in Florida is June, July and August during the rainy season.
Mosquitoes avoid direct sunlight. You’ll notice mosquitoes most active at dawn and dusk.
Mosquito Borne Diseases in Florida
Not only are they annoying, but mosquito bites can also have far-reaching impacts on your health. While by far the most dangerous mosquito-borne disease, malaria—which kills 400,000+ people annually—is quite rare in the US. The most common Mosquito-borne diseases found in Florida include West Nile virus disease, Eastern equine encephalitis, and St. Louis encephalitis. Most mosquito bites, while quite uncomfortable, are relatively harmless.
Stop Mosquitoes in Your Yard
You might wonder why mosquitos are so prevalent in your yard. It’s usually because there’s an abundance of standing water around, which is where mosquitos lay their eggs. This water could be in flowerpots, clogged gutters, poorly draining soil, or puddles forming in paved driveways. Standing water left over after storms create new breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
Eliminating standing water will make it much harder for a mosquito population to gain a foothold, but one must be very diligent—as little as one teaspoon or bottle cap of water standing for over a week is enough for mosquitos to breed and multiply.
Keep your yard tidy. Mosquitoes find prolonged sun exposure uncomfortable, and long, unkempt grass provides them with a shady place to rest. By keeping your lawn trim, you’ll make your property less attractive to mosquitoes—and more attractive to everyone else. Prompt removal of yard debris should help keep mosquitoes in check.