
How MissQuito Supplements Lake County, OH Mosquito Control

Mosquito season in Ohio is getting longer. The typical mosquito season in Ohio typical runs from May through October, and Northeast Ohio has some ideal mosquito conditions. Mosquitoes thrive in warm, humid conditions, and need access to water to lay eggs. The Cleveland area has plenty of both.

Mosquitoes aren’t just a nuisance; they are also the deadliest animal on the planet. Mosquito-borne diseases continue to pose serious health risks to citizens of the Ohio. In 2023, there have been 550 West Nile virus positive mosquito samples, and one human case of La Crosse disease in Ohio.

 As a result of this continued threat, Lake County, OH has a public mosquito control program. While government efforts to eliminate mosquitoes are effective on a large scale, they obviously cannot provide mosquito control on a case-by-case basis. Mosquito control companies, on the other hand, can provide individualized mosquito control, so using them in concert with government spraying campaigns can ensure your yard remains virtually mosquito-free.

How Does Lake County, OH Mosquito Control Work?

The Lake County General Health District performs scheduled mosquito control in most of densely populated municipalities in Lake County. The use a combination of mosquito truck spraying and standing water treatments.

What Pesticides Does Lake County, OH Use?

The two types of pesticides Lake County, OH uses target mosquito larvae and adult mosquitoes.

The larvicides are applied to standing water and kill mosquito larvae, while adulticide sprays kill adult mosquitoes. Lake County applies the adulticides during the night via a mosquito control truck. These are often applied as an ultra-low volume (ULV) spray, meaning that the sprayers turn the liquid into very small droplets that float in the air. Small quantities of adulticide are sufficient to kill mosquitoes in an area.

PesticideSafety Data SheetPurpose
Duet LabelDuet Label SDSAdult Mosquito/Night Treatment
Natular G30 LabelNatular G30 SDSLarval Mosquito/Standing Water
Natular T30 LabelNatular T30 SDSLarval Mosquito/Standing Water
Natular XRT LabelNatular XRT SDSLarval Mosquito/Standing Water
Merus 3.0 LabelMerus 3.0 SDSAdult Mosquito/Night Treatment
Natular DT LabelNatular DT SDSLarval Mosquito/Standing Water

Why Should I Hire a Mosquito Control Company if Lake County, OH has Mosquito Control Programs?

Both LCGHD mosquito control and mosquito control companies can be used in tandem to provide superior mosquito control.

The LCGHD provide protection from mosquitoes on a community level, and MissQuito provides a more targeted approach.

The LCGHD sprays are usually just a broad application that often don’t make it underneath foliage. Also, government mosquito control won’t treat standing water on private property.

MissQuito in Lake County, Ohio offers a tailored mosquito control that targets all vulnerable areas. In addition, we also offer same to next day appointments. If you supplement your local mosquito control with MissQuito, you’ll be able to enjoy time outdoors without constantly scratching at bites, wondering when the sprayer will drive by.